Welcome to the Members Area

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Qualifications for BMAS Membership

Membership of the BMAS is open to most UK-based health professionals who are subject to statutory regulation. This includes doctors, dentists, physiotherapists, nurses, midwives, osteopaths, chiropractors, and podiatrists. It is also open to health professionals who are subject to voluntary regulation that is overseen by the Professional Standards Authority (PSA), and have completed the BMAS Foundation Course; and to members of the British Acupuncture Council. Health professionals from overseas may also apply for BMAS membership and will need to provide details of their healthcare regulatory body in the country in which they practice.

UK-based veterinary surgeons are also welcomed as members, although the BMAS has a close working relationship with the ABVA (Association of British Veterinary Acupuncturist) www.abva.co.uk

There are special membership arrangements for retired members and medical students - see below.

Click here to JOIN AS A MEMBER 

The following organisations are affiliated to the BMAS:
The Portuguese Medical Acupuncture Society (Sociedade Portuguesa Médica de Acupunctura): www.spma.pt
The Acupuncture Association of Chartered Physiotherapists: www.aacp.uk.com
The Dutch Medical Acupuncture Association (Nederlandse Artsen Acupunctuur Vereniging): www.acupunctuur.com
The Danish Medical Acupuncture Society (Dansk Medicinsk Akupunktur Selskab): dmsfa.dk
The Norwegian Association for Medical Acupuncture (Norsk Forening for Medisinsk Akupunktur): medisinsk-akupunktur.no

For more information about affiliation to BMAS click here.

Benefits of BMAS Membership

  • The opportunity to belong to a fully multidisciplinary organisation devoted to the Western medical acupuncture approach
  • Online access to the journal Acupuncture in Medicine (published by SAGE). Six paper copies per year can be purchased for an additional fee of c£60pa
  • Regular electronic newsletters - The Sharp End
  • Access to the BMAS Points Resource. A series of online video demonstrations of examination and needling techniques
  • Reduced registration fees at Scientific Meetings and other BMAS courses and events
  • Free access to the London Teaching clinic to observe patients being treated
  • Reduced rate insurance scheme
  • Access to a web based interactive forum for members
  • The opportunity through political lobbying to influence the future of acupuncture in the UK
  • The opportunity to be listed as a member on the BMAS website (subject to 6 hrs annual relevant CPD)
  • Access to the BMAS ‘mentor’ scheme, which assists new members who need support and advice after their initial training
  • Recognition of Accredited Members by a growing number of health insurance companies
  • The opportunity to join your regional group, meet other local acupuncturists and share your experiences with like minded individuals.
  • Materials to help with your acupuncture practise.
  • The opportunity to study for the Diploma in Medical Acupuncture (DipMedAc) and become an accredited member.
  • Opportunity to vote for Council members or be voted to serve on the Council.
  • A professional code that concentrates on patient safety and best practise.
  • Access to an honorary contract working at the BMAS Clinic, Royal London Hospital for Integrated Medicine.
  • Help and advice from the Society's Council, Committees and staff.

Categories of BMAS membership

HONORARY: membership is granted by the Society to eminent practitioners.

MEMBER: Regulated healthcare professionals with an interest in acupuncture can apply to become a Member. Married couples, or those in long term relationships, who are both members of BMAS and resident at the same address, may pay a reduced fee of £139 for two members. The annual member subscription fee is £120.00.

ACCREDITED: Members who have achieved full BMAS Accreditation and have maintained their status by reaccreditation every five years. Reaccreditation requires 30 hours of learning spread over 5 years (a min of 5 hours in any one year) following the award of a Diploma of Medical Acupuncture. The annual subscription fee is £120.00.

OVERSEAS: Membership is open to overseas healthcare professionals who are fully registered (ie subject to statutory regulation) in the country in which they practise outside the United Kingdom (please provide a copy of your registration). The annual subscription fee is £82.00.

DENTAL / VETERINARY: Membership is for those practitioners who are fully registered with either the General Dental Council of Great Britain, or the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (please provide a copy of your registration certificate). The annual subscription fee is £82.00.

RETIRED: Membership is offered to healthcare professionals who have retired from all active clinical practice, including acupuncture (continued registration with a healthcare regulator is not required). The annual subscription fee is £30.00.

STUDENT: Membership is open to UK & Ireland medical students (4th & 5th year) and final-year UK & Ireland students of professions eligible for membership. The annual subscription fee is £30.00.

SALARY LINK: Any UK member whose TOTAL gross income is not expected to exceed £38,000 can claim the reduced 'Salary Link' rate of 60% of the FULL membership fee, which will be £72. Proof of earnings must be submitted with this declaration in the form of a Tax Return. A separate claim must be made each year. You cannot apply for or renew this membership on line - please contact the office for further information.

(rates shown are from 1 January 2020)