The BMAS Scientific Meeting Series for 2023 launched with a presentation from Lisa Stener Victorin of the Karolinska Institute, and the next speaker is Beltrán Carrillo, a geriatrician and medical acupuncturist from Spain.  The Series is a new way to access the best in acupuncture research across the world.  A series of six one-hour lectures from leaders in the field of acupuncture, spread over the year, recorded live, and that build into a library of webcasts to refer back to time and again. 

Saturday 1 April, 11am
Lisa Stener-Vctorin, Karolinska Institute, Dept of Physiology and Pharmacology, Stockholm, Sweden 
Acupuncture and PCOS research – an update 

Saturday 20 May, 11am
Beltrán Carrillo, Geriatrician and Medical Acupuncturist, Madrid, Spain
Acupuncture Evidence and The Umbrella Collaboration: how the former took us to the latter

Saturday 3 June, 11am
Ye-Seul Jennifer Lee, Department of Preventive Medicine, College of Korean Medicine, Kyung Hee University
Acupuncture on treatment-related complications in breast cancer patients: results from real-world data 

Saturday 9 September, 1pm
Robert Gerwin, Department of Neurology, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, USA

A new unified theory of trigger point formation 

Saturday 7 October, 11am (TBC)
Thomas Lundeberg, Danderyds University Hospital, Stockholm, Sweden
Possible explanations for lack of effect of acupuncture, and possible ways to counter them: a physiological perspective

Saturday 11 November, 1pm
Stephanie Cheng,
Director of Perioperative Integrative Medicine, Department of Anaesthesiology, Critical Care & Pain Management, Weill Cornell Medicine, NY, USA
Title to be confirmed

If you watch the lectures live, 1 hour of BMAS CPD per lecture is automatically awarded. Submission of online reflective learning is required if you watch the video recording.