BMAS Council

Currently the BMAS Council consists of:

President - Dr Federico Campos

Honorary Treasurer - Mr Sean Gilchrist

Vice-President - Mr Duncan Lawler

Company Secretary - Dr Elaine Cheung

Dr Affifa Farrukh


Ms Catherine Tiphanie

Mr Neil Rooney
Ms Charlotte Gavins
Dr Amit Kumar
Dr Jayne McAuley


Other BMAS Officers

Dr David Coggin-Carr - Editor in Chief Acupuncture in Medicine

Standing Committees and Subcommittees:


Education Committee

Chair - Dr Federico Campos

Professional Services Committee

Chair - Neil Rooney

Research Sub Committee

Research proposals should be directed to the London office.
Contact in the first instance.

Development Committee

This Committee has been disbanded

Competence, Accreditation & Examining Board (CAEB)

Chair - Simon Coghlan