Useful BMAS Documents

Please find below a series of documents currently used by BMAS which you may find useful.

Documents & resources

Safe needling over the thorax

This is a document detailing the BMAS approach to safe needling over the thorax. Read this document.

Clinical evidence for acupuncture

This is a document produced by Mike Cummings for BMAS members who are seeking support for their use of acupuncture within the NHS. It is updated from time to time when large clinical trials are published. Read this document.

Documents & resources used in the BMAS London Teaching Clinic

Consent form - Informed consent for acupuncture: a suggested consent form and information sheet

Detailed history sheet - sheet for recording patient details
Pain history sheet - for patients to record pain symptoms
Continuation sheet - medical record, male body diagram
Continuation sheet - medical record, female body diagram
Continuation sheet - medical record, head and neck diagram
Continuation sheet - medical record, neutral body diagram
Continuation sheet - medical record, female body diagram (with safety zones)
Continuation sheet - medical record, female body diagram (pregnant)
Link to body diagrams page
Treatment notation summary file
Symptom diary for patients to complete
Example of a symptom diary - to use with the diary

Patient Information Leaflet (revised February 2016) - this leaflet is available to print and use in your own practice

Brief case record sheet - to print out and use in your clinic
Brief case record sheet - 2018 version with composite diagram

BMAS Policy Documents

BMAS Code of Practice
Complaints Policy
Education Policy
Equality & Diversity Policy
Hepatitis B Policy
BMAS Data Protection Policy
Subject Access Request Form

Useful information

The Gift Aid Scheme helps the Society's funds by claiming back tax you have paid
Leave a legacy and support the Society's future work
Donating blood after acupuncture

Learning tools

Recommended reading list
CDs and DVDs for sale

For Certificate and Diploma candidates & Reaccreditation

Details of Certificate
BMAS Safety assessment (this is now completed online as part of the Certificate - CMA)
Details of Diploma
Training record
Example of Case Logbook
Example of a detailed Case Report

Declaration of Originality
BMAS CPD categories
Reaccreditation Guidelines
Lapsed reaccreditation policy

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