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SELF-ACUPUNCTURE - BMAS House, Cheshire Fri 21 October 2016. Offer a new service to your patients. A one day course on self-acupuncture and related issues

Julie Cummings
Date Added
07 July 2016

Have you ever thought about the patients who need so much regular acupuncture that you just cannot deliver it to them?  This may be a cost issue for them in the private sector or a clinic time constraint for you if you work in the NHS.

Having learnt the ins and outs of self-acupuncture you will be surprised how you can attract new patients and manage your clinic list at the same time!

Max: I work exclusively in the private sector and have patients seeking me out for the very reason that I teach self-acupuncture.

Graham: Self-acupuncture is particularly useful for patients in palliative care and those with chronic illnesses. Teaching a patient to treat themselves or a partner to give acupuncture at home enables them to manage their own symptoms. It increases self-reliance and reduces dependence on medical professionals.

Do come and learn this new skill in a friendly, relaxed setting with plenty of one-to-one instruction at the BMAS Self/Home Acupuncture Course on Friday 21 October.

There will also be demonstrations from patients who have found self-acupuncture useful. They will talk about their experiences including beneficial effects and the challenges they have encountered. This is a good opportunity in a small group setting to ask questions and learn directly from the patients.

Best wishes

Max Forrester and Graham Leng